Saturday, June 27, 2009

Help Me!!!

haiz...i really cant stop thinking about her..what should i do??!@!
without life is like totally useless n meaningless><
God...can u just teach me what to do?should i tell her?or should i just let it go?==
when i were agony...when i ned her...where were she?=(
i miss her so much...i ned her!!!!!GOD...HELP ME PLZ T_T
i really cant live without her!!!HELP ME T.T

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Haih...i miss her so much...what can i do?
Do i ned to tell her...or just forget it?feel boring n dumb without her=(
What should i do to make me feel better without her? T_T
Feel like without life is useless n sucks>__<"
No matter what...i love u until the end of my life...i miss u=)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Skol holiday its over~~~skol life's bak><

Today bak to skol~~~first day...DAMN BORING....sien leh...nothing to do...N KEEP CHANGE JADUAL...WTF!@!#!&@%^ hope the rest of the skol day will be more interesting o.O

Friday, June 12, 2009

Hapi Birthday To my mui Shi Wei

HoHoHo!Its 13 june again...HAPI BIRTHDAY!!!!
Hope u be happy n healthy forever ya...take care=)



Thursday, June 11, 2009

IQ test~~~try and guess =D

  1. 2 atuk - 1 nenek= ??
  2. Which animal most honest?
  3. Elephant=fish Monkey=fish Crocodile=fish Fish= ??
  4. Which animal love to make love the most?-.-"
  5. Which animal most pro in karate?
  6. When u see what kind of tree u will run?
  7. Which animal wear the biggest bra?
  8. A bus driver starts the travel at station A...he picks up 5 ppl then he went to station station B he drop 3 ppl...then he went to station station C he picks up 12 ppl...the next station...what will drop?=)

Have fun on it...answers pls post it at commentz...thx^^

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Let's learn about alphabates n sentences xD-.-"

A: A
B: Boy
C: Can
D: Do
E: Everything
F: For
G: Girl
What's the meaning of bitch?
B: Beautiful
I: Intelligent
T: Talented
C: Cheerful
H: Hamsap

Friday, June 5, 2009

A fRiEnD

A fRiEnD..*

(A)cCePtS yOu aS yOu aRe**
(B)eLieVeS iN "yOu"**
(C)alLs yOu juSt tO say "HI"**
(D)oEsN't giVe uP oN yOu**
(E)nVisiOns tHe wHoLe oF yOu**
(F)oRgivEs yOuR miStaKeS**
(G)ivEs unConDitiOnalLy**
(H)eLpS yOu**
(I)nVitEs yOu over**
(J)uSt "bE" wiTh yoU**
(K)eEpS yOu cLosE aT hEaRt**
(L)oVeS yOu fOr wHo yOu aRe**
(M)aKeS a diFfeRenCe iN yOuR life**
(N)eVeR juDgeS**
(O)fFeRs sUppOrT**
(P)iCkS yOu uP**
(Q)uiEtS yOuR fEaRs**
(R)aiSeS yOuR sPirRtS**
(S)aYs niCe tHinGs aBoUt yOu**
(T)elLs yOu tHe trUtH whEn yOu nEeD tO hEaR iT**
(U)nDeRstaNdS yOu**
(V)aLueS yOu**
(W)aLkS bEsiDe yOu**
(X)-pLaiN tHinGs yOu dOn'T uNdErsTanD**
(Y)elLs wHeN yOu wOn'T liSteN**
(Z)zzz at yOur pLacE dUriNg vAcaTiOns*